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Have you ever looked at the graphic design of a select few brands and wondered ‘Wow! They get it right every single time.’? Producing a great graphic design isn’t just the result of great luck; rather, it is the result of thoroughly following the graphic design process and rules. Producing great graphic design requires a lot of dedication, hard work and discipline along with creative thinking.

A great graphic designer knows that their job is not just about creating great graphics. It is more about efficiently delivering great graphics on time and as per the requirement of the in-house or external client. At Mysphere Infotech, we have a wonderful team of creative and experienced graphics designers. With our office based in Vadodara, Gujarat, we have served clients worldwide across various industries and sectors for their graphic design requirements. Contact for Best Graphic Design Company in Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

We would like to share with you our success mantra and the graphic design process that you may follow to get great results.

Graphic Design Process

Step 1 – Establish the creative brief

The first and the most important step of graphic design process is to understand and build the creative brief. Whether you are working in-house or for the external client, first of all establish the creative brief to proceed further.

An ideal creative brief should provide answers to a few questions such as:

  • What is the purpose of the design?
  • What is the expectation from the graphic designer?
  • What are the project requirements?
  • What kind of content needs to be developed?
  • Who is the target audience?
  • What is the project timeline?
  • What is the project budget?

Step – 2 Conduct research for design inspiration

After having all the necessary information regarding the project and the client, carry out the research for design inspiration. Carry out the research to understand the client’s previous designs, competitor designs, response of customers and potential customers to various designs, etc. Use the research findings to build your original design.

Step 3 – Create the initial design draft

Now that you have the creative brief and the research information, you have almost all the necessary details with you to proceed with design draft. Now, start drafting the initial design as per the client requirement and the information generated through your research. During this process develop multiple design drafts and seek feedback from the colleagues as well as the client to finalize which design draft to develop further as final design.

Step 4 – Complete the selected design

Once the design is finalized, develop and refine the design using design tools. Apply your technical skills and knowledge at this stage and complete the design. Revisit the creative brief and research findings to ensure that you have not missed any point. If you find that you have missed something, then complete that point and ensure you have the final design that includes all the points from the client brief.

Step 4 – Seek client feedback

One you have refined and developed the design, send it to the client for feedback. After receiving the client feedback, start reworking on the design.

Step 5 – Send final version to the client

Once you apply the client feedback and do the necessary changes to your design, share the final work with your client.

At broader level, this is all it takes to develop great graphic design. However, it is easier said than done. If you need any help regarding graphic design, please contact Mysphere Infotech by clicking here.

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