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In today’s technology-driven world, mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets have become an important part of everyday life for individuals across the globe. People across the economic spectrum and geographies use smart phones daily. Hence, reaching out to customers and potential customers through smart phones is important for businesses. One of the best ways to do so is to have a mobile application to solve customers’ real life problems. Today, the market is flooded with several apps for almost every customer requirement. Still, only a few apps go on to become successful while others do not.

To build a successful mobile application, it is important to gain repeat users as well as new users. This is possible when the mobile application solves real problems cost effectively and provides great user experience. Hence, to develop a successful mobile app means to provide the right mix of user convenience, significance and relevant app features.

Mobile Application Development Process

At Mysphere Infotech, a Vadodara, Gujarat-based company, we are experts in mobile application design and development with over a decade of experience. We have a wonderful track record of developing successful mobile apps.  To help you build a successful and a great app, you can follow our step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Finalize the idea

Step 2: Conduct market research

Step 3: Design the application

Step 4: Write codes for application development

Step 5: Conduct QA/ QC (Quality Assurance and Quality Control)

Step 6: Launch Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Step 7: Implement tracking and analytics system

Step 8: Launch the final product

Step 9: Conduct post launch tracking and provide customer support

We shall help you to understand each step in detail.

Step 1: Finalize the idea

Finalize Idea of Mobile Application

Before you begin with the process of application design and development, you must have a clear answer to a few basic questions such as:

  • What is the real problem that the app will solve?
  • Is there any alternate solution available in the market?
  • How the competitive space does looks like in this market?
  • Who are my target audience?
  • How will the app generate money and be self sustainable?

Once you have clear answers to these questions, you will have a much better clarity about the app utility, design and development.

Step 2: Conduct market research

Do some market research on similar apps to learn about the successful apps as well as the unsuccessful ones. Find out and learn the factors that made successful apps successful as well as the factors that made unsuccessful apps unsuccessful. This will help you to implement the success factors in your app and avoid the factors leading to failure. Conducting market research will increase the chances that you make the right app design and development choosing the right technology, platforms and operating systems.

Step 3: Design the application

Mobile Application Development Process

The success of any mobile application critically depends on its design.  An app should be designed in a way that it is easy and convenient to use. During app designing you must take care of wireframes, app layout, technology, various operating systems (OS) compatibility, color scheme, icons and much more.

Step 4: Write codes for application development  

Write Code for Mobile Application

In this stage, you are actually developing your application. Here, the app, which was until now only an idea and paperwork, is now coming to existence. Write codes for the front end as well as the back end using the right technology to ensure compatibility with various operating systems, especially Android and iOS.

Step 5: Conduct QA/ QC (Quality Assurance and Quality Control)

After developing the app, conduct QA/ QC of the app to ensure the proper functioning and performance of the app. Wherever required review and update the codes, design as well as the technology of the app.

Step 6: Launch Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

After conducting QA/ QC, develop a prototype that is MVP of your app and launch it to a limited set of target audience as a pilot project. Take the feedback of the users and implement it wherever it is relevant.

Step 7: Implement tracking and analytics system

Tracking and Analytics System of Mobile Application

Implement the system for tracking user base, user activity and app utility. Also, include analytics to gain insights about the user behavior on the app. This shall help to analyze and improve the app performance based on the quantifiable and qualitative information, data and analysis.

Step 8: Launch the final product

Once the changes are made to the app as per the customer feedback and analytics system, launch the final app to make it available for the wider target audience.

Step 9: Conduct post launch tracking and provide customer support

Mobile Application Development Company in Vadodara

Once you launch the final app, the work is not yet complete. You must track the app performance on a regular basis and receive customer feedback. Analyze the data and feedback to implement the relevant changes. Also, conduct market research regularly to keep an eye on the competitors to stay ahead of the competition curve.

If you have any queries or need help regarding mobile app development, you can reach out to Mysphere Infotech by clicking here.

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